People Who Fucked Off For

Thursday, September 6, 2007


Lots of movie that I need to watch it!!!

  1. Secret *i must watch it but no people accompany me to watch it... :(*
  2. The Invasion
  3. Train Of The Dead
  4. Naraka 19
  5. Black Sheep *i think its kind of nice... cos its about sheep eating human flesh and the human turns into a sheep zombie... geezzz... kind of freaky... so dont eat sheep anymore or else....*
  6. 4 Tales of K-Horror -> February 29, Dark Forest, Roommates and Hidden Floor
  7. Anna & Anna *Karena Lam!!! Shes pretty... Im going to watch this... Its a MUST!!!

Exam coming soon but I still want to go for movies. All of the movies are great and I cant miss it.

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