People Who Fucked Off For

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

I want this!!!!

The new Sony A810 Mp3 Walkman player is super slim and stylish.
I really want this!!!
But I dont know how much is it...
So nice!!! Im loving it...

The LCD is just 2" and it comes with 4 colours; white, pink, black and silver.

I prefer the white ones. Really stylish. I want a 4gb... or maybe 8gb... I dont know le... Have to do some reasearch for the price and function first. And also start to fill my piggy bank with lots of cash. Lolx!!! Otherwise I dont have enough money to purchase it. Since I spend alot and didnt have much saving.

If I get this I can listen and watch DBSK every single day, hours and even minutes!!!!

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