People Who Fucked Off For

Saturday, April 5, 2008


Yesterday was a disaster for me!

I have to work at 10-6... Its ok for me actually...

I have to work alone in the morning until 1200, Dyra will come in.

I have a bad FUCKING stomach pain right after I reached qb...


I thought that I can tahan the pain until Dyra reach only I will go to toilet. But I

really cannot tahan d... It was so FUCKING pain, I need to go to

toilet RIGHT NOW!!!!

I quickly call my cl to take my place. 30 minutes in the toilet.

Pain like hell!!!!

I have a bad stomach pain for the whole day even until night but I still wanna go out with my friends eventhough my mom asked me to take a rest at home.

Besides that, Ive short RM72 yesterday!!!!!!!!

RM72 isnt a small amount. I was soooo scared dont know what to do. As yesterday there is so many customer and since my stomach pain I went to toilet like so many times and my cl is the one who take care of my counter. Either one of us make the money short.

Actually the shortage come from 1 credit card with the exact amount of RM72. I tak nyanyuk lagi. I still can remember that I didnt receive any RM72 sale from credit card. But my cl said tha its my fault for the shortage and asked me to find the lost invoice of the credit card.


Please dont blame me!!!!!!!!! If you wanna know the truth lets roll over the cctv again.

I wont admit thats my wrong as its not my fault!!!


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