People Who Fucked Off For

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Toy Story 3's event has come to the end.
Ive been working continuosly from 4-14th June for Movie Blockbusta, 15-20th June for Toy Story 3 and 21st onwards for Red Bull's event.
Im not that workaholic. I just "money face" LOL
Working for Toy Story 3 event is little more interesting than Movie Blockbusta.
I need to take care of the Space Invader Vacuum Race.
The contestants have to choose one colour of the balls and suck 20 balss in the fastest time.

Suck the colourful balls, people!

This kid is so cute. She's just 20months old but she already good with numbers.

Imagine I have to take care of this games for 6days which means I have to keep on repeating the game rule for 91745273 times.
Fwehhh.... what a life.
But it's all over.
It's time for red bull event.

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