People Who Fucked Off For

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Mystery Customer's Day!!!

Beware of mystery customer...


I kena!!!!







Fweh.... Luckily I get 29/32...

Not bad also la...

A round of applause please...

Ish ish... I tak tau malu nyerrr....

Here how it works...
4 - Excellent
3 - Good
2 - Average
1 - Poor
The pictures that I post is the report from mystery customer. Its a bit cacat-tic... So, I'll type it out for ya'll...
Crowded - No
Were there sufficient counters opened to provide speed and efficiency? I get 3
How many minutes did you have to wait in line before you could purchase your movie tickets?
Less than 5minutes (4) Between 5-10minutes (3) Between 10-15minutes (2) Between 15-20minutes (1) More than 20minutes (0) Ahem... I get 4
How long was the service transaction time? (From the start of the conversation to leaving the ticketing counter) Less than 60seconds (4) Between 60-90seconds (3) Between 90-120seconds (2) between 120-150seconds (1) More than 150 seconds (0) Once again I get 4 =D
Ticket seller followed the trained steps? I did followed the P.A.T card but i only get 3
Did the person smile and displayed the genuiene customer service? I get 4!!! Att to Ms Grace : I smile to the customer, kay... =P
How helpful of the crew in providing information? 4!!! Im very helpful wan...
How was the overall tone and manner of this interaction? 3... Erm... Not bad la... Hehe
Thank you!
Come again, mystery customer!!! =)

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