People Who Fucked Off For

Friday, May 23, 2008

Early morning there is one customer, an indian guy in his 40s with two sons want to watch movie. They come to my counter and that guy said one child for narnia and I as usual ask time and they select the seats. Then, he want to watch indiana jones with his another son. After choose their seats and when they are about to pay, the father said that he wanted to change the time for narnia. He told me that he want 1240 and he wanted to change it to 1150. But Ive printed the ticket cannot change anymore as this is our boux office's rules and regulation. The father said that he wanted to change because he wanted to watch same time with his son as he choose 1140 for his indiana jones. But I told him that cannot refund then he wanted to see my manager. So, Mr Thana come in and explained everything to him. He said that okay just print for him an extra ticket for 1150 narnia. Then, he want my name, manager's name and the GSC KL HQ's phone number. Before that, he said F*CK RULES!!! Im so embrassed because of his attitude. Small matter only ma uncle. Tsk tsk tsk.... Anyway, its not my fault so, I dont give a damn for you to complaint me.


Thank You Very Much, Uncle!!! ;)

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